
AREDN in Western Australia

Amateur Radio Emergency Data Network (AREDN) is a mesh network deployed by Amateur Radio operators to provide a broadband data network which does not rely on external network providers to provide high speed data connection in a time of emergency.

AREDN is quite small in Australia and almost non-existent in Western Australia.

This is my attempt to generate some interest in setting up and AREDN network in Western Australia.

If you are interested, please drop me a line at

Make your own AllStar Node

Making my own allstarlink node

Remote access to your node from the Internet

For Hams in Australia, there is a simple solution. Check out This free (at the moment) service for AR operators in Australia provides a simple solution which securely allows remote access to your node anywhere in the world with very little configuration.

I connected my node to the Vk44 network in less than a day with most of that time being waiting for the VPN to be setup by the volunteers at and another large chunk waiting for my PI to update. Once this was completed, the configuration of the VPN on my Pi took only about 10 mins. Install the VPN client, copy and paste the provided configuration into a configuration file and reboot. Very simple. logo

Winlink – Wireless Email

This post is a work in progress I will update it as I discover relevant information.

What is Winlink?

Why use Winlink Email?

My Observations

(Some not thought through, just here as a reminder)
  • Ardop works ok but is a little susceptible to interference and QRM.
  • VARA has proved to be a much more reliable that ARDOP, even if it is a bit pricey. On the long list of purchases for the future.

FT8 Digital Mode

This post is a work in progress. It will be updated over time as I find more relevant information.

What is FT8?

FT8 is a popular form of digital weak signal communication used primarily by amateur radio operators to communicate on amateur radio bands with a majority of traffic occurring on the HF amateur bands.
Continue reading “FT8 Digital Mode”

First HAM signals on my SDR

Last night I setup my new Nooelec StartXR SDR on the tables outside and connected the Ham-it-up module and antenna.

I successfully received my first HF digital signals. It was very noisy as the telescopic antenna supplied with the kits is not the best for HF receiving. So the next project will be to build (or maybe buy) myself a better antenna for receiving HF.

There seems to be quite a bit of QRM at my place, so that seems like something I’ll need to track down.