Making contacts between Ham’s is one of the most interesting parts of Amateur Radio. But don’t let the lack of a license hold you back. You can QSL via email and and WebSDR.
I’m currently studying for my foundation license so transmitting in not an option. I’ve been using several software defined radios that are available on the Internet.
Last weekend I was listening on the 10m band using a KiwiSDR located near Westdale WA. (South East of Perth, grid square: OF87hp)
While listening, I heard a CQ call from VZ1UOK. Not having a way of talking back, I looked up his details and shot him an email with my QSL to his call.
After 3 days he do back to me. I finally completed my first QSL via email. I can’t wait to get licensed and setup some gear so I can QSL on the air.